
About Julia Bartrop

Julia is a qualified Chinese Medicine practitioner who has a bachelor of applied science, and Cert IV in Massage. Member of the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA). I believe in dealing with the root cause of any discomfort you are having rather than just symptoms alone. At Rebalance TCM we use an integrated approach which incorporates your mind, body and spirit to ensure a complete treatment to help you improve your health and feel rebalanced, revitalised and rejuvenated. I am also passionate about early prevention and timely management of DIS-EASE as opposed to waiting until you are in severe pain or worse before receiving treatment.
  • Gua sha being performed on a clients face

Have you heard about the benefits of Gua Sha?

Have you heard about Gia sha? Gua sha is the ancient technique of using long and short strokes on the skin to remove toxins, incfease blod flow and assist with pain and soreness. It has been "rediscovered" as a game changer in improving skin health and improving apperance.

By |2024-04-11T19:19:04+10:00August 2nd, 2021|Seasonal|

Mother Warming

Motherwarming is an ancient chinese medicine treatmemt which is used to assist the mother to heal from birth. Moxa assists the mum by warming the abdomen and lower back. This helps to promote blood flow, and create QI (energy) aiding mum to increase circulation, nourish her body and aid with recovery. Moxa is a herb which has warming properties called Ai Ye.

By |2024-03-28T19:22:43+10:00June 9th, 2021|Post Natal|
  • peepermin tea in cup

A tea for all seasons

Traditional Chinese Mediicne uses natural healing principals to maintain health and wellness throughout all the different seasons. This blog suggests brews that you can drink in the differenty seasons to help with improving your health and nourishing particular organs associated with the season.

By |2024-03-28T19:23:16+10:00June 7th, 2021|General Health Tips, Seasonal, Seasonal Helath|
  • juggling Act

A juggling act!

these are crazy times and life at the moment is one huge juggling act! In this blog, I share tips that are seeing me through each day, I hope it helps you in your life and you can relate.

By |2024-03-28T19:25:09+10:00April 30th, 2020|Seasonal|
  • stomach flat healthy digestion

How to improve your digestion with acupressure.

3 acupressure points - St 36, St25 and CV12 can be used to assist with nearly all digestive issues. Using this these points we can a aid constipation, reflux, bloating and low energy. By incorporating essential oils with acupressure we can increase the efficacy of the acupressure and give ourselves a treatment which is as powerful as acupuncture by a professional. Which during these times is greatly needed.

By |2024-03-28T19:27:18+10:00April 27th, 2020|Seasonal|
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