There are many things that can affect our ability to move freely. Often difficulties with movement are associated with neurological conditions, including chronic pain. Chinese Medicine takes a holistic approach, viewing all parts of the body as connected and recognises the effects of things like stress, emotions, lifestyle etc on the body and how these things relate to disease. In a typical session with your Chinese Medicine Practitioner, you will be asked lots of questions relating to all aspects of your health before receiving your treatment. Treatments may include manual modalities (such as acupuncture or cupping) and/or herbal prescriptions. The aim of these sessions will be to eliminate any qi (energy) stagnation which is a leading cause of pain/voluntary movement difficulty and return balance to your body and its organs.

More research is emerging to explore the effects of acupuncture on the nervous system(Li et al., 2013). By stimulating local nerves, distal nerves, and cranial nerves we hope to help you improve your circulation and internal harmony to address your pain and mobility issues. Our longest-standing associate practitioner, Dr Eve (TCM) has a passion for the conditions outlined below and hopes to see you in the Rebalance Clinic soon!

Your condition isn’t listed? Don’t worry! If you have any other Neurological conditions, we would love to see you! Give us a call to discuss your treatment options with us.

About Parkinson’s. (2019). Shake It Up Australia Foundation.

Li, Q.-Q., Shi, G.-X., Xu, Q., Wang, J., Liu, C.-Z., & Wang, L.-P. (2013). Acupuncture Effect and Central Autonomic Regulation. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : ECAM, 2013, 267959.

Top 10 facts about stroke. (2023). Stroke Foundation – Australia.

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS). (2022). MS Australia.

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