Men’s fertility acupuncture works in much the same way as it does for women. Research has shown that 40% of fertility cases are female factor, 40% male factor and 20% unknown. Chinese medicine has a long history of supporting male fertility, virility and longevity. Common issues such as low motility, morphology, and count, erectile dysfunction and low libido are direct markers of men’s future cardiovascular and overall health. By treating the root cause of the dysfunction the fertility issues resolve and overall health is restored. We use an integrative approach in treating male reproductive and sexual health. We recommend that all male partners be evaluated according to Chinese medicine.

Improve Sperm Count

Increase libido

Improve Sperm Motility

Increase Semen quality

Decrease in sperm DNA fragmentation

Decrease mind and Body Stress

Resolve infection

Address Genetic Factors

Acupuncture Treatment Recommendations

Men in general respond quickly to treatments with acupuncture. The quality and quality of sperm can be impacted more easily then the quality of eggs in women. This is because sperm are produced and mature much quicker than an egg matures in women. We suggest:


For 3 months for most conditions.


around women’s ovulation for natural conception.


of a sperm sample that will be given for IUI or IVF. Acupuncture treatment around the time a sample is given has been shown to produce better results than without acupuncture.

Diet and Lifestyle to Improve fertility

Because male fertility and sexual health is a marker of overall health our approach is holistic. We advise herbs and supplements in most cases. We will address common practices that reduce fertility like:

  • Poor diet
  • Cycling and over exercise
  • Poor sleep and sleep hygiene
  • Stress
  • Overwork
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lower back injuries
  • Having had mumps, an undescended testis, torsion of the testes or any injuries to your testes.
  • We will also refer on to an Andrologist if you need further assistance.

Book Your Personalised Treatment Plan