Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Winter - night gloomy, snow on ground, leafless tree

Winter and Chinese Medicine

Winter is a time for slef refelection - to go within and hibernate and listen to your own body. In Chinese Medicine - winter is associated with the water element, the paired organs are the kidney and the urinary bladder and winter is a time to nourish our bodies and replenish our energy ready for Spring. In winter the focus is on nourishing our body with warming foods such as soups, bone broth soup, casseroles, and slow cooked meals. It is a time to focus on sleep and staying warm.

Using the Pulse as a Diagnostic Tool

In Chinese Medicine, the pulse is a complex diagnostic tool – and no, we aren’t just feeling for your heart rate! There are actually six distinct pulses we are observing during your consult. Each one corresponds to one of the Zang organs (the organs with the responsibility of storing, transforming, and transporting our qi and essence).

By |2023-09-14T15:34:15+10:00September 5th, 2023|General Health Tips, Traditional Chinese Medicine|
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