A tea for all seasons
Many of you who have visited the clinic will know that I love to have a pot of tea on to welcome you as you arrive (prior to Covid 19).
Tea is such an amazing healing drink – whether its black tea, green tea, oolong tea or a mix of herbal tea, tea has been consumed in China for thousands of centuries. It was really amazing to see when I lived in China in 2013 – the Chinese people walking around with their glass tea flasks and drinking tea according to the season and their health needs.
When you think of tea – what comes to mind? Sitting down and relaxing? Sharing a cup with your favourite friend or relative? A need for a cup first thing in the morning?
Drinking tea according to the season is a simple and effective way to enhance your health and wellness, while stregthening the organs that the seaons relate to.
Each season is goverened by a different pair of organs, and relates to different ways that we aid the organs during the various seasons.

Oolong Tea In a Teapot
Element is metal and the organs are the lung and large intestine. As the lung is a major organ that is affected in Autumn – we focus on building up lung health. Teas to consume include Oolong, ginger and chrysanthemum tea.
Is a tradtional Chinese Tea. It is made from the leaves of the plant cameilla sinesis – the same plant that green tea comes from. However, oolong tea is oxidized for a slightly longer time than green tea, but less than the process for black tea. Hence it can be dark to green in colour depending on the time it has been allowed to oxidize for.
A cup of oolong tea contains the following vitamins, minerals and is full of naturally occurring antioxidants.
A cup of brewed Oolong tea will contain approximately
- Fluoride: 5–24% of the RDI.
- Manganese: 26% of the RDI.
- Potassium: 1% of the RDI.
- Sodium: 1% of the RDI.
- Magnesium: 1% of the RDI.
- Niacin: 1% of the RDI.
- Caffeine: 36 mg.
Benefits of olomng tea include assists with weight loss – which is benifical for this season as we begin to slow down our activity levels.
This not actually a tea, rather an infusion of the chrysanthemum flower. The Chrysanthemum flower is placed in hot water and infused in the water for approximately 10-15 mins, colouring the water a soft yellow. Chrysanthemum tea has been consumed for thousands of years in China and originated in the Song dynasty. Drinking Chrysathemum tea assists to boost the immune system – thus stregthening the lung function and our protective Qi or Wei Qi, which helps us to avoid getting colds, flus and viruses in the colder weather.
Vitamin C and A are both found in high concentrations within the chrysanthemum infusion, and both of these vitamins are crucial for immune system health. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and functions as an antioxidant to protect against free radicals. There are also quite a few minerals in chrysanthemum, such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, all of which are necessary for a healthy immune system.
Is also an infusion. Ginger is benefical to warm up our bodies and specifically amazing for poor circulation – such as cold hands and feet. It can also be used when we catch a cold in Autumn and have a sore stiff neck and chills. The pungency of the ginger helps us to sweat out the cold, and it also aids digestion.
It is recommended using Chinese Food as Medicine that we consume more sour foods in Autumn. Beginning your day with Lemon in warm water helps to assist with improving digestion, imcreasing our metabolism and enhancing the function of the lung and Large intestines.
In winter we enter the water element and the organs associated with winter are the Kidneys and Bladder. Winter is a time when our Yin energy is at its highest peak and our yang energy retreats deep within our body. To assist with our health and mainatin our immune system – it is recommended that we drink warming teas such as Ginger, Chai’s, Black teas and Rose tea.
Rose tea is consumed in winter to help blance out our emotions. With the darkness of winter many people experience depression and low mood. Rose tea assists to lift and enhance our mood during winter. It is again an infused tea – using Rose hips or Rose petals, which are steeped in water for 20 minuets.
To make the tea – boil some filtered water, pour into a teapot and add in the rose hips or rose petals – steep for a miminmum of 20 mins. For a stronger tea – steep for 30mins. Then pour into your favourite cup. Rose tea is able to enhance our mood by enriching the blood and qi (our energy), it soothes the nerves leaving you with an overall feeling of calm. Rose tea is a very feminine tea and what we would call a “yin” tea. Therfore, it is a prefect tea to drink in winter.
As above Ginger tea is consumed in winter to assist with building up our immune system, aiding digestion, enhancing circulation and building up our yang energy. You can add honey to sweeten the taste. Ginger tea can be used when you have a cold as well. Fresh ginger can be added to any tea throughout Autumn and Winter. If you have a cold, feel weak or are recovering from illness – ginger powder stirred into hot water is brillant to help with recovery.
Black tea is made form the plant leaves of Camiella Sineseis – however it is allowed to oxidize for a longer period of time than Green tea. Black teas are warming in nature and are a great tea to consume if you feel the cold. They help to warm our body by improving digestion and boosting the metabolism. You can add your favourite milk and honey to sweeten, or just drink as a pure black tea. You can use loose leaf tea or a teabag – whatever is easiest for you.
The season of Spring relates to the element of wood. Energy is being released and our Yang energy begins to surge upwards. This surging upwards is the wood element and the organs of Spring are the liver and the gallbladder. To ensure that we stay calm (we can get more angry and irritable in Spring) we need to comsume more scented floral teas – this correlates with the bursting through of new life and the flowers of Spring.
Scented teas are mild and floral, they are gentle and refreshing, providing a reviving boost of energy after the withdrawal of Winter. Scented teas for Spring include Jasmine, Lavender, Rose, Nettle (this is actually a liver cleanser and great for detoxing!), you can also use Chrysantemum (to assist with hayfever and allergies) and golgi berry tea.
Jasmine tea is a form of Green tea. Its properties are that is warm and sweet, Jasmine Tea is used to tonify our Yang energy, circulate Qi and resolve Phelgm. Jasmine tea may assist to boost the metabolism and aid with weight loss.

Green tea – A perfect Summer tea, light, frgarant and cooling
Summer is the time when our yang energy is at its peak. The element is Fire and the organs are the heart and Small intestine.
As summer is hot – we need to drink teas that are cooling in nature. Teas that are perfect for Summer include Green Tea, Pepermint Tea, and Spearmint Tea. Peppermint Tea is a great tea for working on issues associated with the head – such as colds, sinus issues, congestion, headaches. Peppermint is cooling in nature and also assist with mental stimulation and enhancing concentration!
Is fabulous to drink in Summer. Green tea is high in antioxidants, rich in vitamins and minerals its health benefits include assisting fat loss, boosting our metabolism and it may also improve brain function. Green tea contains a calming amino acid called L- Theanine. Green tea is cooling in nature and is benifical to drink all through the year for people who tend to feel hot all the time. Due to its cooling nature, it is a perfect tea to drink in the height of Summer. To prepare Green tea – boil water to 80 degress celius of 176 Fareinheight. If you do boil gthe water to 100 degrees – add in some cold water and place the green tea in the cool water first, then add in the hot water. Consuming 3 cups of Green tea a day helps you to burn roughly 70 calories!
Do you have a Favourite Tea?
Julia Is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at Rebalance Chinese Medicine
962-964 Main Rd Eltham (located inside Thompson’s PHarmacy)